No. 11, Langley Street
Part of the block which includes nos. 13, 14 and 15, Langley Street which occupies the entirety of the north-western end of this section of the street. It comprised of substantially scaled, robustly detailed, early-19th century buildings, which, together with nos. 16-22 (even), Shelton Street form one Grade II listed complex – part of Combe’s Wood Yard Brewery.
Rising through five storeys, with strongly-expressed rusticated quoins at the corners and a stone cornice and frieze running along the full length of the buildings at high level, the block comprises nine bays, including blind bays at the left hand end. The window openings at ground floor level are contained below segmental arches: those at first, second, third and fourth levels are contained below segmental arches and lintels, all with sub-divided metal windows. There are two, full height openings with doors at second and fourth floor levels and a projecting crane at high level towards the centre.
Both the original and new parts of nos. 11, 13, 14 and 15 comprise a group of particular special architectural and historic interest and significance and of townscape value contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Covent Garden Conservation Area.
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