Nos. 14-20 (even), Short’s Gardens
Forming an integral part of the grade II listed, early-to-mid-19th century, former brewery complex at nos. 8 to 26 (even), nos. 14-20 were the principal stables serving the brewery, accommodating some 120 horses. The street-elevation comprises eight bays of small segmentally arched openings with deeply set, subdivided windows lighting the upper tier of stalls and seven bays of much larger segmentally arched openings at ground floor level with deeply set, partly subdivided windows lighting the lower tier of stalls, above a row of segmentally arched window openings at basement level set within a black brick base rising to about 1350 mm from footway level. Original openings containing entrance doors remain at the each end. A further, largely glazed, upper storey has been added to the building.
The building is of special architectural and historic interest and particular townscape value contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
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