Nos. 16-18, Tower Street
Two surviving parts of a four-storey, early-19th century terrace of properties turning the corner of Monmouth Street and Tower Street with modern, double-height mansard above. One wide window fronting Monmouth Street at first, second and third floor levels, with similar wide window fronting Tower Street at each level, with blind windows on the rusticated splay corner. Tripartite, subdivided sash windows at upper floor levels. No. 16 has two window openings at each level with subdivided sash windows. Very successful, traditional shopfronts of early-to-mid-19th century character at street level. These are the only buildings in Tower Street which retain their original domestic scale and plot sizes. They have been developed and restored to a good standard. These are prominently sited on a corner at the south-west approach to Seven Dials. The pilasters, fascias and cornices survive and form a strong architectural frame.
Grade II listed buildings of particular architectural interest and townscape value contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
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