Nos. 178-188, Shaftesbury Avenue

Shaftesbury Avenue / Nos. 166a-188 (even): Nos. 178-188, Shaftesbury Avenue


Building of Merit
Shopfront of Merit


Nos. 178-188, Shaftesbury Avenue

One of the surviving, substantially-scaled developments of the 1880s that still line this part Shaftesbury Avenue as created in the 1880s. Four-storeys with gables, richly modelled street-elevation of Flemish character faced in red brick with red sandstone dressings to both Shaftesbury Avenue and Monmouth Street (nos. 2-4 (even)).

Three shopfronts serving the three shops, incorporating the doors to the mansions above at nos. 178, 182 and 186. The shopfrontage at no. 188 which turns the corner of the block and returns around to Monmouth Street is badly disfigured by a mass of signs and posters. The original, stone pilasters and consoles which separate the three frontages survive but are over-painted. The fascia of no. 184 carries externally-illuminated applied lettering and is of appropriate depth but appears to conceal the original fascia behind. The fascia of no. 180 carries non-illuminated applied lettering but is excessively deep. Both frontages possess externally illuminated projecting signs. No. 184 possesses a retractable projecting blind.

Despite being unlisted and the loss of the original shopfronts at ground floor level, the property has particular townscape value, contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area

There is clearly scope for the enhancement of the property by the reinstatement of a coherent series traditionally detailed, painted-timber shopfronts.


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Long Acre Long Acre Shaftesbury Avenue Charing Cross Road Litchfield Street Mercer Street Mercer Street Earlham Street Earlham Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Dryden Street Arne Street Drury Lane Parker Street Shelton Street West Street Tower Street Monmouth Street Monmouth Street Shorts Gardens Shorts Gardens Neal Street Neal’s Yard Neal Street Neal Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Betterton Street Langley Street Langley Ct James Street Floral Street Bow Street Bow Street Shorts Gardens Mercer Street Flitcroft Street Stacey Street New Compton Street St Giles Passage Charing Cross Road Shaftesbury Avenue High Holborn Long Acre