2 Tower Street

Tower Street / South Side: 2 Tower Street


Building of Merit
Shopfront of Merit


Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Tower Street with nos. 2 to 8 (even), Earlham Street

A 1980s, four-storey and part three-storey building, built by the GLC as part of the Covent Garden Area Plan, with set-back top storeys, comprising three distinct parts: long four-storey elevations fronting Earlham Street and Tower Street comprising housing, known as Cambridge Court, above retail, cafe and other uses, to either side of a three-storey corner block, cantilevered above the footway beyond the faces of the adjacent street elevations, comprising offices above a café, service access to the Tristram Bates Theatre and The Actors' Centre. The hard red brick elevations with their repeated, deeply-set windows with chamfered heads and cills and the continuous concrete beams above the ground floor frontages produce a deeply unattractive building complex.

The building seriously detracts from the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.


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"Images © the Seven Dials Trust, www.sevendialscoventgarden.study"

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Long Acre Long Acre Shaftesbury Avenue Charing Cross Road Litchfield Street Mercer Street Mercer Street Earlham Street Earlham Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Dryden Street Arne Street Drury Lane Parker Street Shelton Street West Street Tower Street Monmouth Street Monmouth Street Shorts Gardens Shorts Gardens Neal Street Neal’s Yard Neal Street Neal Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Betterton Street Langley Street Langley Ct James Street Floral Street Bow Street Bow Street Shorts Gardens Mercer Street Flitcroft Street Stacey Street New Compton Street St Giles Passage Charing Cross Road Shaftesbury Avenue High Holborn Long Acre