No. 21, Monmouth Street

Monmouth Street / Nos. 17-43 (odd): No. 21, Monmouth Street


Grade II
Building of Merit
Shopfront of Merit


No. 21, Monmouth Street, Mon Plaisir

Listed at grade II, this four-storey property (with mansarded storey above) was built in the 1690s by Thomas Neale and retains its original staircase and some panelling on the upper floors. However, the front elevation above the early-19th-century street level frontage has been rebuilt in red brick – probably in the last forty years – with well detailed window arches and subdivided sash windows set flush of authentic early-to-mid-Georgian character. At the left hand end of the street frontage, a well preserved 18th- century raised and fielded panelled door leading to the upper floors. A modern retractable projecting canopy with an unpainted aluminium leading edge is fixed above the lead-covered ledge above the street frontage.

Currently painted white, the fascia has a gilt ‘Mon Plaisir’ lettered sign and is outlined in red and blue – the French national colours. In addition, the French flag hangs from a bracket at first floor level. The original cornice and fascia of the street frontage are partly obscured by later boxing-out.

A property of both special architectural and historic interest and townscape value, contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

Consideration should be given to reinstating the original cornice and fascia of the street frontage.


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