21a Tower Street, side elevation on Tower Court
Part of a prominent, classically-detailed, early-20th century, three-storey corner building with a mansarded attic storey above. Painted stucco elevation. Early-20th century, orange glazed brick piers at the corner of Tower Court. Two/three-storey painted brick return elevation to Tower Court.
An unlisted building of townscape value contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
It is important that the paint-colours and signs on this key building at the entrance to the conservation area should be properly designed and co-ordinated. The joinery of the casement-windows and the ground floor windows would benefit from being painted in an appropriate traditional colour rather than in white and applied lettering or sign-written lettering of appropriate character used.
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"Images © the Seven Dials Trust, www.sevendialscoventgarden.study"
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