No. 24, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 22-42 (even): No. 24, Neal Street


No. 24, Neal Street

Probably built as a four storey, brick-faced warehouse in the late-19th century. However, its original appearance has been spoilt by being rendered and painted black, by the changes to the three windows at each level, and by the installation of modern fenestration. A projecting steel beam survives above the central window opening at second floor level. The extensively glazed shopfront at ground floor level is entirely modern, but is contained with potentially original framework of pilasters, cornice and frieze.

As extensively and adversely altered, the street-frontage possesses only very modest architectural interest and townscape value, contributing only modestly to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

It is recommended that consideration should be given to recolouring the façade and reinstating more appropriate fenestration.


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