No. 25, Short’s Gardens/no. 39, Neal Street
With frontages to both Short’s Gardens and Neal Street, the property comprises a little changed late-19th century, four-storey former warehouse. The red brick faced elevation to Short’s Gardens at first, second and third floor levels comprises double bays to each side of a centrally placed single bay. The central bay has inward opening glazed, timber doors and hinged platforms at each floor level. Sadly, the original crane that served the openings at each level is missing. A Covent Garden lantern projects from the centre of the building at first floor level. At ground floor level, there are modern shopfronts to Short’s Gardens with a fascia carrying non-illuminated lettering.
The building is of particular architectural interest and townscape value and contributes positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
The reinstatement of traditionally detailed shopfronts and signs should be encouraged.
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