No. 26-32, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 22-42 (even): No. 26-32, Neal Street


Nos. 26-32, Neal Street

Nos. 26-32 comprise a coherent group of four, three-bay, four-storey Edwardian warehouses of distinctive Arts and Crafts character and faced in warm red brick. The right hand bay of each of the four warehouses is treated as a vertical opening extending through the first, second and third floor levels with black bull-nosed jambs and segmental-arched heads, containing inward-opening, half-glazed, double-doors and fold-down flaps held on chains. All the other bays at these levels are treated as window-bays with segmental-arched heads and subdivided, tilting casements.

Sandstone bands extend across the full width of the elevations of the four warehouses corresponding to the floors at second and third floor levels.

The two inner warehouses have shaped gables of Dutch character. They are dated 1903. They were built as a speculation and used as empty box warehouses for the Covent Garden Market. For many years they were occupied by Waltons' Fruit Stalls as storage. They have now been successfully converted for a mix of uses.

The four, extensively glazed shopfronts at ground floor level are strongly framed by piers of glazed brick. However, very sadly, this has been over-painted. There are modestly sized projecting box signs on two of the shops – one elliptical in shape, and one externally illuminated.

Whilst unlisted, the building possesses outstanding architectural and historic interest and townscape value, contributing positively and substantially to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

The careful removal of the paint from glazed brick piers at ground floor level is strongly recommended.


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