Nos. 3-9, Shelton Street

Shelton Street / Nos. 1-23 (odd): Nos. 3-9, Shelton Street


Building of Merit
Yes - all
Shopfront of Merit
Yes - all


Nos. 3-9, Shelton Street

Nos. 3, 7 and 9, Shelton Street are complete reconstructions of the three, four-storey, two-bay houses occupying the plots of three, original Thomas Neal developments. The window openings at first, second and third floor levels have flat, red brick arches and contain 6-over-6 subdivided sash windows, with flat, red brick arches.

No.5, Shelton Street is a similarly complete reconstruction of the plot of the four-storey, single-bay house of another of the original Thomas Neal developments and provides access to the upper floors of the group. The architraved window-openings at first and second floor levels are contained below simple, bracketed canopies and contain 8-over-8 subdivided sash-windows.

The shopfronts of each of the properties have been excellently reconstructed to authentic, early-19th century detail. The shopfront of no. 5 has been painted appropriately. However, regrettably, the shopfronts of nos. 3, 7 and 9 have been painted inappropriately in brilliant white.

The brickwork has been left clean to differentiate the new work from the surviving old houses. The iron window-guards at first floor level on nos. 3, 7 and 9 contain attractive flower-boxes. All properties carry labels with carved street-numbers on their fascias.

Whilst total or substantial re-buildings of the original, 18th century properties that once occupied the site, they are of particular architectural and historic interest and townscape value contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

The use of a darker paint colour for the shopfronts of nos. 3, 7 and 9 would be beneficial.


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The contemporary architectural photographs are all © the Trust. If using any of our architectural images from this site you must credit the Trust as:

"Images © the Seven Dials Trust,"

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Long Acre Long Acre Shaftesbury Avenue Charing Cross Road Litchfield Street Mercer Street Mercer Street Earlham Street Earlham Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Dryden Street Arne Street Drury Lane Parker Street Shelton Street West Street Tower Street Monmouth Street Monmouth Street Shorts Gardens Shorts Gardens Neal Street Neal’s Yard Neal Street Neal Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Betterton Street Langley Street Langley Ct James Street Floral Street Bow Street Bow Street Shorts Gardens Mercer Street Flitcroft Street Stacey Street New Compton Street St Giles Passage Charing Cross Road Shaftesbury Avenue High Holborn Long Acre