No. 31, Endell Street

Endell Street / Nos. 15-43 (odd): No. 31, Endell Street


Grade II
Building of Merit
Shopfront of Merit


No. 31, Endell Street, The Cross Keys P.H.

A four storey, two-bay, much altered, 18th century property, listed at Grade II, The Cross Keys is a highlight of Endell Street with its excellently preserved Victorian ‘brewers' baroque’ pub front. Sadly, the London Stock brick of the upper storeys has been over-painted together with the stucco architraves to the window openings and the elaborate pedimented canopies to the window openings at first floor level. The window openings contain subdivided casements.

At ground floor level, the frontage is divided into three semi-circular arched openings carried on intermediate polished red granite columns and fluted pilasters, supporting a theatrical, curvy pediment bursting with plump swags, anthemion, cherubs and gilt cross keys. The whole of this confection is admirably painted in black, green, brown and gold. The name is beautifully lettered and fits the space exactly. This glorious pub front is matched by generous greening. A glazed brick stall riser survives at low level at the centre.

A property of particular, special architectural and historic interest and significance and of townscape value contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area. The Cross Keys is Grade II listed.


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