No. 34-42, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 22-42 (even): No. 34-42, Neal Street


Nos. 34-42, Neal Street, Nottingham House

With return elevation to Short’s Gardens and a long elevation to Neal Street, Nottingham House comprises a handsome, six-storey (originally five-storey) block of 37 flats of neo-Georgian character designed by C.W. Reeves, Son & Rason and opened in 1925 by the Society for Improving the Conditions of the Labouring Poor.

Faced in handmade, light brown bricks with red dressings, the street elevations comprise a coherent groups of segmental arched window openings of generally consistent size with authentically detailed, 6-over-6 and 8-over-8, subdivided painted sash windows, set flush with the external face of the brickwork. The ground floor was sensitively converted by The Peabody Trust in 1998 to retail units with simple, restrained shopfronts and fascias, contained below a projecting concrete canopy. They also added the additional storey.

Whilst unlisted, the building possesses particular architectural and historic interest and townscape value, contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

It is essential that the white painted timber sash windows of the upper storeys be retained unchanged.


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