No. 39, Endell Street

Endell Street / Nos. 15-43 (odd): No. 39, Endell Street


No. 39, Endell Street

Along with no. 37, no. 39, Endell Street is one of two four-storey London Stock brick, late-19th properties with red brick dressings. There are three window openings at first, second and third floor levels, segmentally arched at first floor level and flat-arched at second and third floor levels. All the windows retain their two-over-two sashes.

There is a projecting painted stone string course below the window openings at third floor level and further decorative features. There are decorative pilasters with glazed orange brick shafts, one at each end of the shopfront and a further, intermediate pilaster separating the residential access to the upper floors. These exactly match the two pilasters on no. 37. There are tiled stall risers and a pair of glazed panelled doors at the centre of the shopfront.

A property of particular townscape value contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area

It would benefit from a sign-written fascia.


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