No. 39-45, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 39-69 (odd): No. 39-45, Neal Street


Building of Merit
Yes - no. 39
Shopfront of Merit
Yes - no. 39


No. 39-45, Neal Street

No. 39, Neal Street is late-19th century warehouse building, marking the corner of Neal Street and Short’s Gardens. Single-bay frontage of three storeys and an original ‘attic’ to Neal Street, three-bay return to Short’s Gardens of four storeys, with single-bay splay corner of three storeys between the two. The elevations above the partly traditionally detailed shopfronts at ground floor level, red brick with paired, painted timber, subdivided sash windows set below shallow brick arches (recessed at first floor level) except for the middle bay on the Short’s Gardens frontage which comprises three levels of glazed, warehouse doors. Entrance to the upper floors located at the left hand end of the Short’s Gardens frontage. The shopfronts inappropriately painted in bright white.

An unlisted building of particular townscape value, contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

There is clearly scope to re-paint the shopfronts in an appropriate colour.

Nos. 41-45, Neal Street

A late-19th century warehouse building, three bays in width and four storeys in height. Original, red brick elevation above an extensively glazed, modern shopfront finished in white, comprising a bright red plastic fascia with white plastic applied lettering and projecting, internally illuminated, on the left hand side and a recessed modern entrance to the upper floors on the right hand side, presently screened from view by a roller shutter. The original, segmental arches of the window openings at each of the upper levels have been removed and replaced with reconstituted stone window surrounds which appear to date from the 1950s. Modern, painted steel windows to the upper floors. A Seven Dials Trust People's Plaque is fixed at first floor level on no. 43.

The altered window openings on the upper floor levels and modern frontages at street level clearly detract from the appearance of this unlisted building from the street. However the substantial survival of the remainder of the original warehouse building contributes to the character and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

There is clearly scope to reinstate the original window openings and windows in the front elevation following the design and detailing of those in the near contemporary building immediately adjacent (no. 47-49, Neal Street), and to introduce well-designed frontages and signs for the shop unit and office entrance at street level.


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