Nos. 51 and 53, Shelton Street
A pair of grade II listed, early-19th century, four-storey, two-bay London Stock brick-faced properties, with flat, brick arches to the window openings of the upper floors, containing altered, modern, 2-over-2 subdivided sash-windows. Both Camden Council conservation officers and the Planning Inspectorate have resisted proposals for their replacement.
Both modern shopfronts are embraced below a traditionally detailed cornice and fascia (with externally illuminated lettering) supported by pairs of well-detailed plasters at each end containing traditionally detailed, six-panelled doors and top-lights providing access to the flats on the upper floors.
The properties are of special architectural and historic interest and townscape significance, contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
Both properties would benefit from the co-ordinated replacement of the existing, modern shopfronts with new shopfronts to traditional design and detail – painted in appropriate colours with sign-written fascias, and the reinstatement of 6-over-6 sash-windows in all the openings at first, second and third floor levels.
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