Nos. 61 and 63, Monmouth Street
Listed at grade II, these three-storey, brick-faced properties (with a clay tiled mansard attic storey above) occupy plots 16ft wide and were built in 1699 by Samuel Chase as part of Thomas Neale's development. No. 61 retains the only original front elevation (above the shop) in Seven Dials; its projecting brick band courses, half-width blind window openings and two flush framed sash windows at first and second floor levels on each property demonstrating the original treatment of Neale's buildings. No. 63 was refaced in the late-18th century and comparison with no. 61 shows how the houses were modernised when the leases were renewed in the 1790s. Both nos. 61 and 63 retain their original ‘T’-plan room structures – a rare survival.
The exemplary restoration carried out in recent years includes the installation of authentically and consistently designed and detailed traditional shopfronts that extend across both properties, the repair of the brickwork and the reinstatement of sub-divided sash windows. The fascia on no. 61 carries applied gilt lettering, and the fascias on both nos. 61 and 63 carry the street numbers incised into small ‘labels’. There is a projecting bracket on no. 63 but it carries no sign. Most regrettably, the shopfronts have been spoilt by their being painted entirely in white. Four flower boxes are seated on the lead covered ledge above the shopfronts in front of the cills of each of the first floor level windows.
Both the properties are of considerable special architectural and historic interest and particular townscape value, contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
The repainting of the shopfronts in appropriate colours should be a major priority. However, the remainder of these properties should be kept as they are and the front elevations and original roofs carefully safeguarded.
The two buildings are separately listed. The listing entry for No. 61 can be found here. The listing entry for No.63 can be found here.
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