No. 63, Endell Street

Endell Street / Nos. 47-83 (odd): No. 63, Endell Street


Grade II
Building of Merit
Shopfront of Merit


No. 63, Endell Street

No. 63, Endell Street is part of a grade II listed terrace of four (nos 63-69), four-storey, two-bay, London Stock brick-faced, late-18th-century properties surviving from the older street frontage incorporated into Endell Street when it was widened in the 1840s. The window openings at first, second and third floor levels have flat arches in red brick and contain 6-over-6 sub-divided sashes. A cornice runs along the terrace below the third floor attic level windows. Parts of the original, Victorian shopfronts survive on some of the properties, including the cornices and fascias and well-preserved consoles at each end of the entablatures.

Regrettably, the brickwork of the upper floors of no. 63 has been over-painted in white. The much altered shopfront is painted white and the box containing the projecting blind and the leading edge of the blind have been left in silver aluminium, as also the highly obtrusive lighting channel above the fascia. There is a projecting bracket at first floor level that once carried a hanging sign, below which is an internally-illuminated projecting sign.

A building of special architectural and historic interest and significance and (with the terrace of which it forms an integral part) of townscape value contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

The paint on the brickwork should be carefully removed and the revealed brickwork toned with soot-wash to match the adjoining unpainted frontages. The existing projecting, double sided boxsign should be removed and a painted hanging sign should be added to the bracket at first floor level. The shopfront should be repainted in a traditional darker colour, the obtrusive lighting channel removed from the fascia and the fascia sign written in place of the existing applied plastic lettering.


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