No. 66, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 48-82 (even): No. 66, Neal Street


No. 66, Neal Street

No. 66 is a building of similar scale to the adjoining no. 68. It occupies the original plot but has been faced in painted stucco, with scratched jointing-lines. It has two windows at each floor level with traditionally detailed 6-over-6 subdivided sashes.

The modern shopfront is of broadly traditional character but is missing the cornice. It is painted all black. The fascia carries internally illuminated applied lettering together with a projecting, internally illuminated box-sign and an obtrusive burglar-alarm.

It is a building of modest architectural interest and townscape value, contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

A hanging sign should replace the existing projecting box-sign.


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