No. 68, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 48-82 (even): No. 68, Neal Street


No. 68, Neal Street

No. 68 is a four-storey, London Stock brick faced building. It is an early-19th century reconstruction of the original, 17th century building. There are two windows at each floor level with traditionally detailed 6-over-6 subdivided sashes. It has a modern shopfront, traditionally detailed in part, and painted black, with an externally illuminated fascia and a long disused, retractable projecting blind.

It is building of particular architectural interest and townscape value, contributing substantially to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

There is clear scope to improve the detailing of the shopfront and the form of external lighting of the fascia, and to adopt a more welcome, traditional colour for the shopfront.


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