No. 80, Neal Street

Neal Street / Nos. 48-82 (even): No. 80, Neal Street


No. 80, Neal Street

No. 80 is listed at grade II, but its London Stock brick elevation has long been overpainted. It dates from the early-18thcentury and retains much of the original interior, including a good staircase and panelled first floor rooms.

It is occupied by The Punjab Restaurant which was one of the first Indian restaurants in London, having been established in 1946. Both no. 80 and the adjoining no. 82 properties are of four storeys and two bays width. No. 80 retains original 6-over-6 sash-windows

The extensively but successfully restored, late-Georgian shopfront at ground floor level is an excellent example of scholarly restoration - smartly painted in blue with matching, blue canvas, fully retractable blinds on both properties. The front elevation of no. 80 is spoilt by a projecting, internally illuminated, hanging box-sign.

No. 80 is a building of special architectural and historic interest with a shopfront of considerable townscape value, contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.

The over-painting of the front elevation should be removed and soot-washed.


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