Nos. 45-51, Monmouth Street
Nos. 45-51 with the offices above, with frontages to The Dials and Mercer Street as well as to Monmouth Street, is a brick faced building of three to four storeys rising to five storeys, forming the northern apex of Terry Farrell and Partners Phase II Comyn Ching Triangle development of 1985-1987. The building, together with the drum in the southern corner of Ching Court and the corner building at the junction of Shelton and Mercer Streets designed by Terry Farrell and Partners, were listed in November 2016.
The shopfronts are neat, unobtrusive and appropriately painted in dark red, without projecting blinds and only one neat and modern externally-illuminated projecting sign.
Grade II listed. The entire building is of both special architectural and historic interest and particular townscape value, contributing to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
It is important the shopfronts should be maintained in this manner.
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