Nos. 11-16 cosec., Neal’s Yard
The north-eastern side of the Yard comprises a group of three, four and three-storey buildings – nos. 11-13, 14, 5 and 16, Neal’s Yard respectively.
Nos. 11-12 has a gabled, brick frontage painted light green, with segmentally arched openings at each level.
No. 13 comprises a four-storey, two-bay, London Stock brick elevation, with a gabled, fourth floor containing a small oculus window, a diversity of casement windows at first, second and third floor levels and a modest shopfront with entries to the upper floors to each side at ground floor level.
No. 14-15 comprises a three-storey, three-bay, colour washed London Stock brick elevation with an additional, set-back storey at third floor level hidden by lots of planting, with segmentally arched windows openings at first and second floor level containing subdivided casement windows, painted blue. Four narrow openings between brick piers at ground floor level with full-height glazing and doors, below a fascia with halo lit lettering and an externally-illuminated, projecting sign.
No. 16 comprises a late-19th century, three-storey, six-bay, London Stock brick elevation with segmentally arched window-openings at first and second floor levels containing subdivided cast-iron framed casement windows except at the left hand end where the openings at each level are interlinked into one, double-height opening with black, bull nosed brick jambs containing, inward opening, glazed, timber doors at both levels. Regrettably, the stock brickwork at ground floor level has been over-painted in white at the left hand end and in black at the right hand end. The original, wide opening at the left hand end of the ground floor level frontage contains a modern shopfront with fully-folding glazed timber doors.
The Yard, both as a modestly scaled urban space and the buildings that surround it are of particular townscape and architectural interest and value, contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.
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