Nos. 6-10 (consec), Neal’s Yard

Neal’s Yard / The Yard Frontages: Nos. 6-10 (consec), Neal’s Yard


Building of Merit
Shopfront of Merit


Nos. 6-10 (consec.) Neal’s Yard

The west side of the Yard comprises a group of two, four and three-storey buildings – nos. 6, 7 and 8-10, Neal’s Yard respectively.

No. 6 has a painted, brick frontage with fully-folding, glazed, timber doors to the restaurant at ground floor level, an attractive balcony with an inward-opening, subdivided, glazed door and sidelights at first floor level, and a full width, retractable blind and a non-illuminated projecting, hanging sign below.

No. 7 is a poorly detailed, four-storey, post-War rebuild in London Stock brick (with a near vertical slated mansard at high level). There is a modern shopfront of traditional character painted dark blue at ground floor level and two pairs of inward-opening, subdivided, glazed doors at first and second floor levels, each with ‘Juliet balconies’.

Nos. 8-10, comprises three storeys and appears be of late-18th/early 19th century origin, five bays in width, with segmentally arched window openings at first and second floor levels containing casement windows, and fully folding, glazed, timber doors to the restaurant and wine bar occupying four of the bays at ground floor level. All the external joinery of the restaurant is painted appropriately in dark green. There are two projecting hanging signs. The fifth bay at ground and first floor levels at the northern end is interlinked into one, double-height series of doors and windows, painted mid-red to match the casement windows at second floor level. The brickwork of the three-storey return-elevation that turns the corner towards the entry from Monmouth Street is painted in a colourful mix of colours, and the joinery painted light green.

The Yard, both as a modestly scaled urban space and the buildings that surround it are of particular townscape and architectural interest and value, contributing positively to the character, appearance and significance of the Seven Dials Conservation Area.


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Long Acre Long Acre Shaftesbury Avenue Charing Cross Road Litchfield Street Mercer Street Mercer Street Earlham Street Earlham Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Shelton Street Dryden Street Arne Street Drury Lane Parker Street Shelton Street West Street Tower Street Monmouth Street Monmouth Street Shorts Gardens Shorts Gardens Neal Street Neal’s Yard Neal Street Neal Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Endell Street Betterton Street Langley Street Langley Ct James Street Floral Street Bow Street Bow Street Shorts Gardens Mercer Street Flitcroft Street Stacey Street New Compton Street St Giles Passage Charing Cross Road Shaftesbury Avenue High Holborn Long Acre