On either side of what is now Short’s Gardens lay the cultivated grounds of William Short, gardener of Gray’s Inn who, in 1590, purchased fields known as Newland between Drury Lane and the Marshland. The Short family were prominent parishioners of St Giles until Thomas Short sold the property around 1690 and it became part of Thomas Neale’s Seven Dials development. Originally called Queen Street, it is now largely nineteenth century commercial in appearance. The south side is taken up with the former stable buildings of the Wood Yard Brewery, erected in 1880-6, while much of the north side contains a late nineteenth century warehouse, four and five storeys high. This whole block has been spot listed at grade II. It was redeveloped as Thomas Neal’s, which opened in 1992. In 2019 , following internal refurbishment, it re-opened as Seven Dials Market.