The carriageway around the Sundial Pillar consists at present of 100mm x 200mm concrete pavers arranged in sectors contained by borders of 100mm x 100mm cleft granite setts radiating from the Sundial Pillar and a perimeter ring with seven tree pits, of which six are planted.
This is an attractive layout for the space but the quality of the place will be enhanced when the pavers are changed to granite setts of the same dimension in grey. The herringbone bond has held together well and a like-for-like replacement (in respect of module and bond) is recommended.
Outside the cleft setted border ring there are five courses of 100mm x 200mm concrete pavers set in a concentric ring. When this ring needs to be repaired, we recommend it is replaced with granite pavers.
Beyond this double ring there are ‘collars’ of square limestone slabs laid radially with tapering joints to give a concentric coursing arrangement. This has suffered from some poor repairs and interventions in places but, with some replacement and maintenance, this sound arrangement takes The Dials’ design to a good starting point for the footways of the seven streets where the limestone flagstones of these footways will join the rond-point. If footway widths are adjusted in any one of the seven approaches, then this ‘collar’ will need to accommodate the difference.

The roadway junctions to The Dials are presently in two designs, the principal one dating from the time the Sundial Pillar was restored. It has an area of setts that transition into a panel of cleft setts before the roadway setts or surface of the radiating street commences. The second is a simplified design on the two Monmouth Street junctions where the coursing of the five-colour setts in the roadway has been carried right through to the outer edge of the two concentric rings. This simplification is recommended and should be applied to the other five arms on reconstruction.

The Cambridge Theatre’s frontage would be obscured if a seventh tree were to be planted, but to give purpose to the ring of setts in the inner setted circle, an interpretation device could be installed in place of the missing tree.
The existing six trees should be kept well-managed to avoid obscuring the Sundial Pillar and the three lights illuminating the dial faces.